(2) The printing substance for xerographic printers and copiers.
truncation: Printing a symbol with less than the symbology specification’s
recommended minimum height for a symbol of that length, THAT can make the
symbol difficult for an operator to successfully scan end to end.
two-width symbology: A bar code symbology in which symbol characters
consist only of narrow and wide elements the widths of which are in a constant
ratio to each other. Compare to “modular symbology”
UCC: The Uniform Code Council.
UCC/EAN-128: A subset of Code 128, consisting of an FNC1 character
immediately following the start pattern. UCC/EAN-128 is the symbology and
format for Code 128 specified by the Uniform Code Council and EAN
U.P.C. (Universal Product Code): A fixed length, numeric 13-digit bar code
symbol adopted by the U.S. grocery industry (and subsequently by other retail
industries), composed of a six-digit manufacturer number assigned by the UCC,
a five-digit product code assigned by the manufacturer, and a modulo 10 check
digit as the twelfth digit. For international compatibility with EAN-13 the 13th digit
is a derived 0 in the left most position.
valley: A point of lower reflectance in a profile with points of higher reflectance
on either side.
verification: The technical process by which a machine-readable symbol is
measured to determine its conformance with the specification for that symbol.
verifier/ verification instrument: A device used to measure and analyze quality
attributes of a machine-readable symbol such as bar width and quiet zone
dimensions, reflectances, and other aspects against a standard to which the
machine-readable symbol should conform.
vertical redundancy: The property of a bar code symbol whereby there exists
multiple possible scan paths as a result of the symbol being significantly higher
than the height of a single scan line.
visible red: see “light source”.
VLD (visible laser diode): A laser diode operating in the visible light spectrum.
void: (1) An area of high reflectance in an area of a machine-readable symbol
that is intended to be of low reflectance. See “speck,” “spot.”
wand scanner: A handheld scanning device used as a contact bar code or
OCR reader. See “light pen.”
wavelength: The physical distance between the peaks of an electromagnetic
wave, which has an inverse relationship to its frequency. Scanner specifications
include the wavelength, in nanometers, of the light radiated by the scanner’s