Supplies and Customer Support
Hewlett-Packard Customer Support
Customer Support Centers
NOTE Contact the customer support center in your area for technical assistance during the
warranty of your product.
North and South America (includes Canada)
Monday - Friday, 6am - 6pm MST
HP Colorado Tape Drive and SureStore CD drivers (970) 635-1500
DLT Tape Drives (970) 635-1000
European Customer Support Centers
Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 18:00 (C.E.T)
NOTE Language or country support might not be available for all products.
Austria 06 60 63 86
Belgium, Dutch 02 626 8806
Belgium, French 02 626 8807
Denmark 3929 4099
Finland 0203 47 288
France 01 43 62 34 34
Germany 0180 52 58 143
Ireland 01 662 5525
Italy 02 264 10350
Netherlands 020 606 8751
Norway 22 11 6299
Portugal 7095 923 50 01
Spain 902 321 123
Sweden 08 619 2170
Switzerland 0848 80 11 11
United Kingdom 0800 960271