Understanding the LEDs
LEDs during self-test
Your Ultrium tape drive has four LEDs (light emitting diodes) on the front panel, which indicate
drive status, and two LEDs on the rear panel. These LEDs provide useful troubleshooting
The tape drive performs a power on self-test whenever power is applied or the drive is reset.
The test takes about 5 seconds. The LED sequence for each drive is described in the following
table 4: self-test LED sequence
Note The LED labels are identical apart from the bottom one, which is Clean on the Ultrium 960
and 460 and Use Cleaning Cartridge on the Ultrium 230. All references to Clean in the
following table should, therefore, read Use Cleaning Cartridge if you have an Ultrium 230
Ultrium 960 and 460 Ultrium 230
1 The green Ready light flashes several
times and then remains on if self-test
passes. All other LEDs remain off.
2 If the self-test fails, the Drive Error and
Tape Error LEDs flash, while the Ready
and Clean LEDs are off. This continues
until the drive is reset.
1 The green Ready light and the three orange
lights for the other LEDs flash briefly and then
go out.
2 The green Ready LED flashes and then
remains on if self-test passes.
3 If the self-test fails, the Drive Error and Tape
Error LEDs flash, while the Ready and Use
Cleaning Cartridge LEDs are off. This
continues until the drive is reset.
Ultrium 960 and 460
Ultrium 230
ult960_master_internal.fm Page 42 Tuesday, September 21, 2004 4:13 PM