
1-16 ENWW
Uninstalling software for Macintosh (all versions)
1 Restart the computer.
Note If you do not restart the computer before you uninstall the software, some files are not removed
from your computer when you run the Uninstall option.
2 Insert the Starter CD into the CD-ROM drive.
3 Double-click the CD icon on the desktop.
4 Double-click the installer icon and follow the instructions on the screen.
5 When the Main Installation dialog box appears, select Uninstall from the drop-down list
located in the upper-left part of the dialog box.
6 Follow the instructions on the screen to remove the printer software.
Using the embedded Web server
If an HP Jetdirect print server card is installed in the printer comes equipped with an
embedded Web server. Using a standard Web browser, this remote management tool allows
you to do the following tasks:
z Configure network protocol settings
z Configure network security settings
To use the embedded Web server, you must have a Web browser, and the printer must be
connected to an IP-based network. (IPX/SPX networks are not supported.) You cannot use
the embedded Web server when the printer is connected directly to a computer.
Gaining access to the embedded Web server
You can gain access to the embedded Web server from any supported Web browser. Type
the IP address assigned to the printer into the Web browser. For example, if the printer IP
address were, you would type into your Web
If you do not know the IP address for the printer, it is listed on the HP Jetdirect configuration
page. To print this page, press the TEST button on the print server card.
Embedded Web server pages
The embedded Web server, which contains information about the print server card, consists of
these tabs:
z Home
z Networking
The Home tab provides information about the printer, such as physical location, IP host name
and address, hardware address, HP Jetdirect print server product number, and amount of time
since the HP Jetdirect printer server was last turned off and on. You can also use the Home
tab to reach network configuration, security, and diagnostic parameters.
The network pages of the embedded Web server allow the network administrator to configure
the HP Jetdirect card for the printer. See the online Help and the HP Jetdirect Print Server
Administrator’s Guide for more information. This guide is located on the Starter CD.