2-14 ENWW
Performing manual duplexing
If you want, you can duplex manually. Leave the auto-duplex unit in place. You will choose
Manual duplexing in the printer driver.
To perform manual duplexing (Windows)
1 Load the appropriate paper in Tray 1 or Tray 2.
2 On the File menu, click Print, and then click Properties. (The actual steps can vary; this
is the most common method.)
3 On the Basics tab, select Back to Front under Page Order.
4 On the Finishing tab, select the Print on Both Sides check box. Make sure that the
Automatic check box is cleared.
5 When duplexing, the top margin might need to be increased slightly to make sure pages
align. Select the Preserve Layout check box to reduce the margins so that the page
prints on a single sheet. Clear this check box if you prefer that the page print on more than
one sheet with full margins.
6 Select or clear the Flip Pages Up check box depending on which way you want the
binding. See the graphics in the printer driver for examples.
7 Click OK to close the dialog box.
8 Click OK to print.
9 Depending on your type of printer connection, do one of the following steps.
• For directly connected printers: After the first side prints, a dialog box appears on your
computer. Follow the instructions on the screen for reloading the job and then click
• For network-connected printers: When the first side of the job has printed, the Resume
light blinks. If the Toolbox is installed, the Toolbox shows a dialog box to show you how
to reload the job.
10 Press the (resume button) on the printer.
For more information on setting print options, see “Changing printer settings”.
To perform manual duplexing (Mac OS 8.6 to 9.x)
1 Load the appropriate paper in Tray 1 or Tray 2. Be sure to load the paper with the print
side up.
2 On the File menu, click Print.
3 On the Layout panel, select the Print Both Sides check box, the binding orientation you
want (select the desired icon), and select Manual.
4 Click OK.
5 When the first side of the job has printed, the Resume light blinks. Take the document that
has printed, rotate it 180 degrees (with the printed side facing up), and load it in the tray so
that the top of the printed page faces the printer.
6 Press the (resume button) on the printer.