
network printing 1-6
connecting to 1-12
documentation 1-1
Ethernet connection 1-14
Fast Ethernet connection A-2
installing peripherals remotely 3-6
interfaces A-2
parallel connection 1-6
printer connectivity 1-2
printer information 3-2
sharing printer 1-14
USB connection 1-6
wireless Ethernet connection A-2
noise specifications C-2
non-HP ink cartridges 5-3
Normal mode
print speed C-1
recommendations 4-20
not responding, troubleshooting 4-15
printer driver and firmware updates 3-3
warranty expiration 3-3
online help
sources 1-1
Toolbox 3-1
online purchasing 3-3, A-1
operating environment specifications C-2
operating systems
documentation 1-1
system requirements C-2
options. See settings
ordering supplies and accessories online 3-3, A-1
out of ink in cartridges 4-1
output quality, troubleshooting 4-19
output tray
clearing jams 4-11
illustration 1-3
troubleshooting 4-22, 4-23
overhead transparencies. See transparencies
overheating of printer 4-15
overview of printer 1-2
pages per minute (ppm) 1-2, C-1
pages per month C-1
average quantity used per month by type 3-4
clearing jams 4-11
custom-size 2-19
duplexing 2-12
HP part numbers A-2
loading 2-5
locking trays 2-8, 3-5
minimum margins 2-4
recommended weights C-1
sizes supported C-1
special 2-16
specifications 2-1
tray capacities 2-3
types supported C-1
paper guides on printer 1-3
paper output tray. See output tray
paper stack indicator 1-3
paper trays. See tray 1; tray 2; tray, output; trays; trays, input
parallel cable part numbers A-1
parallel port
connecting to 1-5, 1-6
troubleshooting 4-17
part numbers
accessories A-1
interfaces A-2
supplies A-2
control panel 1-4
printer 1-3
PCL 3 printer driver 2-9, C-1
PCL languages included with printer C-1
phone support. See support
Photo Greeting Cards, HP A-4
Photo Paper, HP A-2, A-3
Photo Quality Inkjet Paper, HP A-3
photographs, printing 2-15
location 1-5
parallel 1-6
settings 4-16
troubleshooting 4-17
USB 1-6
PostScript 3 software RIP C-1
consumption C-1, D-2
input connection 1-5
light and button 1-4
light patterns on control panel 5-1, 5-4
requirements C-1
troubleshooting 4-15
power cord statement D-2
ppm (pages per minute) 1-2, C-1
Premium Inkjet Paper, HP A-3
Premium Inkjet Transparency Film A-4
Premium Paper, PH A-3
premium papers, HP A-2
Premium Photo Paper, HP A-3
Premium Plus Inkjet Transparency Film, HP A-4
Premium Plus Photo Paper, HP A-2
print cartridges. See ink cartridges
print jobs
cancelling 1-4, 2-12
resuming 1-4
print media. See media
print quality, troubleshooting 4-19
print servers, HP Jetdirect
administrator guide 1-1
connection slot 1-5
installing 1-12
part numbers A-2
printing configuration page 4-14
setup documentation 1-1
print speed
by model 1-2
by print mode C-1
slow, troubleshooting 4-16
printer configuration page, printing 4-14
printer drivers
AutoCAD 1-17
checking for updated 3-2
copying 1-17
firmware update notification 3-3
installing 1-13
Linux 1-17
PCL 3 2-9, C-1
settings 2-10
system requirements C-2
warranty B-3
printer languages C-1
Printer Services tab, Toolbox 3-2