Honeywell 3800r Scanner User Manual

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Each bar code above also programs the following suffixes for each symbology:
USB PC or Macintosh Keyboard
Scan one of the following codes to program the imager for USB PC Keyboard or
USB Macintosh Keyboard. Scanning these codes adds a CR and selects the
terminal ID (USB PC Keyboard - 124, USB Macintosh Keyboard - 125, USB PC
Japanese Keyboard - 134).
Scan the following code to program the imager for USB HID bar code scanners.
Scanning this code changes the terminal ID to 131.
Symbology Suffix
EAN 8 0C
EAN 13 16
Code 39 00 0A 0B
Interleaved 2 of 5 00 0D 0B
Code 128 00 18 0B
USB Keyboard (PC)
USB Keyboard (Mac)
USB Japanese Keyboard (PC)
USB HID Bar Code Scanner