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Menu Options
The discovered devices window has a popup menu that enables you to perform several tasks. You can
select a device and tap and hold or just tap and hold on an empty space; he same menu appears. Certain
menu items are enabled or disabled depending on which method you use.
Menu Item Description
Discover Devices Scans for Bluetooth devices.
Discover Names Scans for device names.
View Opens a side menu that offers you sorting options for
the discovered devices list.
• All Devices–Shows all devices in the vicinity.
• Trusted Devices Only–Removes untrusted
devices from the display.
• Untrusted Devices Only–Removes trusted
devices from the display.
Note: These options affect only what appears on the
display, not what devices the Bluetooth radio
has discovered.
Delete All Devices Deletes all the discovered devices.
*Delete Device Deletes a selected device.
*Properties Displays the properties of a selected device.
Tap OK (either one) to return to the discovered
devices window.
Refresh Scans for Bluetooth devices.
*These items are active only when a device is selected when the pop-up menu appears.