For information on how to create groups and add users to groups, see your
Windows documentation.
Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer
Multiple copies of IBM Informix Dynamic Server can run on the same computer.
The copies can be the same or different versions of the product.
Multiple copies of different versions
If your computer hosts more than one installation of IDS, each instance has a
corresponding IBM Informix Dynamic Server program group on the Start >
Programs menu.
Do not install a newer version of IBM Informix Dynamic Server in the same
location where an earlier version of the product exists to avoid conflicts between
directories, .dll files, registry entries, and other Informix-related services. If you
wan to run different versions of IDS on the same host machine, keep the
installations in different paths.
To uninstall versions of IBM Informix products released before 11.50, refer to the
uninstallation documentation for that version.
To uninstall version 11.50 IDS and any of its components, refer to Chapter 4,
“Modifying IDS on Windows,” on page 4-1.
Multiple copies of the same version
You can install multiple copies of the same version of IBM Informix Dynamic
Server on one Windows operating system. A copy refers to an installation in a
different location on the same computer. The benefits of doing this include:
v The ability to test new features before using them in a production database
v The ability to have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions on the same computer
To identify which installed copy you want to modify, use the unique location of
the installation or the installation number that was generated automatically when
the copy was installed.
The first copy that you install on a computer is, by default, installation number 1.
The subsequent copies that you install have installation numbers that increase by 1.
For example, the installation number of the second copy is 2 and the installation
number of the next copy is 3.
Note: If you uninstall copies, and then install additional copies, the installation
number will increase by 1 based on the highest installation number on that
computer. For example, if you have three copies on the computer and you delete
installation number 2, when you install another copy of the same version, the new
copy is installation number 4.
1-2 IBM Informix Dynamic Server Installation Guide for Windows