Table 2. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC5 (continued)
Overview Reference
Upgrading to IDS v11.50.xC5 in Silent Mode (Windows)
You can upgrade from IDS v11.50.xC4 or earlier to IDS
v11.50.xC5 in silent mode. You will need to record a
response file for IDS v11.50.xC5. You cannot use a
response file that was recorded when IDS v11.50.xC4 or
earlier versions were installed.
See “Using a Response File for Silent Installation” on
page 2-6.
Table 3. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC4
Overview Reference
Upgrade IBM Informix Dynamic Server by Overwriting
the Existing Installation
When you are upgrading IDS from one fix pack level to
another in the same product version, you can install the
product in the running database server installation
directory. You also can overwrite an existing installation
for training or specialized technical needs. Take all
necessary backup precautions before upgrading with this
method. It is recommended that most users follow the
IBM Informix Migration Guide for version-to-version
upgrades and migrations.
“Upgrade of IDS by Overwriting an Existing Installation”
on page 2-12
Table 4. What’s New in Version 11.50.xC2
Overview Reference
Multiple Copies of IBM Informix Dynamic Server on the
Same Windows Computer
In version 11.10, you could not install and run multiple
copies of the same version of IDS on the same Windows
computer. Now you can do so by using the graphical
user interface or by supplying installation parameters in a
file to perform a silent, non-interactive installation.
If the installation application detects that the same
version of IDS is already installed, you can choose to
install a new copy in another directory or you can choose
to modify the existing installation.
“Multiple Copies of IDS on One Computer” on page 1-2
Introduction vii