Components for DOS
MQSeries Client
The MQSeries client code for your platform.
MQSeries Toolkit
This includes:
v Sample programs - some of these are required for verifying the
installation of the MQSeries client/server system
v Header files that you can use when writing applications to run on
the client
HP-UX Client: Hardware and Software Required
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries
client for HP-UX.
An MQSeries client can run on HP-UX on any HP 9000 Series 700 or Series
800 or Stratus Continuum/400 machine, with minimum system disk space of
20 MB.
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running an HP-UX
Minimum supported levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be supported
unless otherwise stated.
v HP-UX, Version 10.20
v HP-UX, Version 11
For TCP/IP connectivity:
v TCP/IP (in the operating system)
For SNA connectivity:
v HP SNAplusII
Optional software
v The HP DCE/9000 version appropriate for the level of the HP-UX operating
system in use.
v MQSeries DCE names and security modules are provided as part of the
MQSeries for HP-UX product.
Components for DOS
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 49