70 Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1600 v2/E5-2600 v2 Product Families
Datasheet Volume One of Two
to a different PECI addresses. Strapping the SOCKET_ID[1:0] pins results in
the client addresses shown in Table 2-17. These package strap(s) are evaluated
at the assertion of PWRGOOD (as depicted in Figure 2-49). Refer to the appropriate
Platform Design Guide for recommended resistor values for establishing non-default
SOCKET_ID settings.
The client address may not be changed after PWRGOOD assertion, until the next power
cycle on the processor. Removal of a processor from its socket or tri-stating a processor
will have no impact to the remaining non-tri-stated PECI client addresses. Since each
socket in the system should have a unique PECI address, the SOCKET_ID strapping is
required to be unique for each socket. C-states
The processor PECI client may be fully functional in most core and package C-states.
• The Ping(), GetDIB(), GetTemp(), RdPkgConfig() and WrPkgConfig() commands
have no measurable impact on CPU power in any of the core or package C-states.
• The RdIAMSR() command will complete normally unless the targeted core is in a C-
state that is C3 or deeper. The PECI client will respond with a completion code of
0x82 (see
Table 2-22 for definition) for RdIAMSR() accesses in core C-states that
are C3 or deeper.
• The RdPCIConfigLocal(), WrPCIConfigLocal(), and RdPCIConfig() commands will
not impact the core C-states but may have a measurable impact on the package C-
state. The PECI client will successfully return data without impacting package C-
state if the resources needed to service the command are not in a low power state.
— If the resources required to service the command are in a low power state, the
PECI client will respond with a completion code of 0x82 (see
Table 2-22 for
definition). If this is the case, setting the “Wake on PECI” mode bit as described
Section can cause a package ‘pop-up’ to the C2 state and enable
successful completion of the command. The exact power impact of a pop-up to
C2 will vary by product SKU, the C-state from which the pop-up is initiated and
the negotiated PECI bit rate.
Table 2-17. SOCKET ID Strapping
SOCKET_ID[1] Strap SOCKET_ID[0] Strap PECI Client Address
Ground Ground 0x30
Ground V
Ground 0x32
Table 2-18. Power Impact of PECI Commands vs. C-states (Sheet 1 of 2)
Command Power Impact
Ping() Not measurable
GetDIB() Not measurable
GetTemp() Not measurable
RdPkgConfig() Not measurable
WrPkgConfig() Not measurable
RdIAMSR() Not measurable. PECI client will not return valid data in core C-state that is C3 or
RdPCIConfigLocal() May require package ‘pop-up’ to C2 state