Intel SQ599 Computer Hardware User Manual

Typematic Rate Setting
This determines the typematic rate.
Enabled Enable typematic rate and typematic delay programming
Disabled Disable typematic rate and typematic delay programming.
The system BIOS will use default value of these 2 items and
the default is controlled by keyboard.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
6 6 characters per second
8 8 characters per second
10 10 characters per second
12 12 characters per second
15 15 characters per second
20 20 characters per second
24 24 characters per second
30 30 characters per second
Typematic Delay (Msec)
When holding a key, the time between the first and second character displayed.
250 250 msec
500 500 msec
750 750 msec
1000 1000 msec
Security Option
This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup.
System The system will not boot and access. Setup will deny if the correct
password does not enter at the prompt.
Setup The system will boot, but access to Setup will deny if the correct
password does not enter at the prompt.