Intermec PF4I Printer User Manual

132 Intermec EasyCoder PF4i Compact Industrial—User’s Guide (Fingerprint)
Appendix C—Interfaces
RS-232 Interface
Default setup:
Baud rate: 9600
Char. length 8 bits
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
RTS/CTS Disabled
ENQ/ACK: Disabled
XON/XOFF: Disabled (both ways)
New Line: CR/LF
To change the RS-232 interface settings, see Chapter 6, “Setting Up the
Signals on printer’s serial port "uart1:"
DB-9 Signal Meaning
1 External +5V DC*
2 TXD Transmit data
3 RXD Recieve data
4 DSR Data set ready
5 GND Ground
6 DTR Data terminal ready
7 CTS Clear to send
8 RTS Request to send
9 Not used
/. The external +5V is limited to 500 mA and is automatically switched
off at overload.
Interface Cable
Computer end: Depends on computer model
Printer end: DB-9pin plug