
The Configuration Tab
Click this tab to edit different profiles for
different network configurations. When finish
changing the settings, please click Apply to
perform the new configuration at last.
Note: Choosing the Advanced Configuration command from
the right-click menu of Wireless-G Configuration Tool tray
icon will launch this tab too.
Profile Name:
A profile is a named set of operating
parameters for your Wireless-G USB 2.0 Flex
Adaptor. By clicking the down arrow at the
right of this item to display any available
profiles for your Wireless-G USB 2.0 Flex
Adaptor. You may set values for the chosen
pre-defined profile. When you finish setting
up the new changes, choose Apply to save
the profile.
Note: You will have at least one profile named Default. When
selecting any link from the list under the Site Survey tab,
you have already automatically established a new profile for
it under the Configuration tab.
Configuration Program Controls