Press the STAT key.
Press the number 1 key.
Enter the times in L1.
Enter the frequencies in L2.
Press the STAT key.
Press the ► key to Highlight CALC.
Press the ENTER key.
Type in L1, L2.
Press the ENTER key.
The sample mean and median are 9.22 and 8 minutes, respectively. The sample standard
deviation is 3.1 minutes, the range is 12 minutes, and the interquartile range is 2.5 minutes.
Measures of Position
The TI-83, TI-83 Plus, and TI-84 Plus do not perform percentile calculations directly, but do
simplify them tremendously by helping us to sort data with the command SortD( . Once the data
is sorted, the kth percentile is found by counting up to the kth position in the sorted data and
dividing by the number of data values in the data set. After the number is divided, you multiply
by 100 to get the percentile. The command SortD( is on the STAT page under the EDIT list and
is found by pressing the STAT key and then pressing the number 3 key.
Example: Final Exam Scores
Use the following data set containing Elementary Statistics final exam scores from 16 students.
Store the values in a list labeled FINAL.