5.5 Indicators and Messages
Error Messages
Table 5.3 Error Messages
Message Corrective Action
3UHVV &217,18(
The total amount of data received by the printer exceeds the printer's internal mem-
ory. Try adding more memory (expansion RAM). Press the CONTINUE key to resume
printing. You can abandon printing by the CANCEL key.
3UHVV &217,18(
The data transferred to the printer was too complex to print on a page. Press the
CONTINUE key to resume printing. (The page may break in some pages.)
You can abandon printing by the CANCEL key.
After this message has been displayed, Page protect mode will be On. To
maintain optimum use of memory during printing, display
from the control panel, and re-select
See the last page in this manual.
.3'/ (UURU
3UHVV &217,18(
Current print processing cannot continue.
To print out a error report, displayý!ý3ULQWý.3'/ýHUUV from the mode select
menu, and selectý2Q.
Press the CONTINUE key to resume printing. You can abandon printing by the CANCEL
5$0ý ',6.ý HUURUý úú
3UHVVý &217,18(
Check the error code displayed in the place ofýú ú and refer to the appropriate descrip-
tion below.
íì:Abnormal format. Try turning the power off and on again.
íë:RAM DISK mode isý2II. Turn RAM DISK modeý2 Q.
íê:Cannot write to the disk system because it is write protected. Remove the write
íé:No disk space. Clean up files.
íè:Specified file not on disk.
íç:No memory for use by disk system. Expand printer memory.
ìí:Cannot format disk because host data is spooled there. Format the disk after
5HDG\ is displayed.
äå:Unable to read files during the sorting (file does not exist, or corrupted).
0(025< &$5' HUU
The memory card is accidentally removed from the printer's memory card slot during
reading. If you continue reading the memory card, insert the same memory card into
the slot again. The printer again reads it from the beginning of the data.
Note: We recommend that you follow the reading procedure from the begin-
ning to ensure correct reading of the memory card.
0(025< &$5'
You have inserted the wrong memory card when theý,QVHUWýDJDLQ message was
displayed. Remove the wrong memory card from the printer's memory card slot and
insert the correct memory card. The printer again reads it from the beginning of the
0(025< &$5'
This message appears when the printer is in the ready state and the memory card is
not formatted, and therefore cannot be read or written. Follow the procedure on Sec-
tion 2.6. to format the card.
0(025< &$5'
This message appears when the printer is in the ready state and the battery in the
memory card is low. You can still enter the memory card mode, but the battery should
be changed as soon as possible.
0(025< &$5'
This message appears when the printer is in the ready state and the battery in the
memory card is dead, or there is no battery at all. It is not possible to use the memory
card mode until you insert a good battery in the card.