C: Networking and Security
EDS Device Servers User Guide 165
Command Mode
The Modem Emulation’s Command mode supports the standard AT command set. For a
list of available commands from the serial or telnet login, enter AT?. Use ATDT, ATD, and
ATDP to establish a connection:
+++ Switches to command mode if entered from serial port during
AT? Help.
ATDT<Address Info> Establishes the TCP connection to socket (<IP>/<port>).
ATDP<Address Info> See ATDT.
ATD Like ATDT. Dials default connect mode remote address and
ATO Switches to data mode if connection still exists. Vice versa to
ATEn Switches echo in command mode (off - 0, on - 1).
ATH Disconnects the network session.
ATI Displays modem information.
ATS0 = n Accept incoming connection. (n = 0: disable, n = 1: connect
automatically, n = 2+: connect with ATA command (basically
wait for the user or application to issue a command to "pick up
the phone")
ATQn Quiet mode (0 - enable results code, 1 - disable result codes)
ATVn Verbose mode (0 - numeric result codes, 1 - text result codes)
ATZ Restores the current state from the setup settings.
A/ Repeat last valid command.
These commands allow the EDS to emulate a modem. The EDS ignores valid AT
commands that do not apply to the EDS and sends an OK response code.
In Command mode, the EDS can make a connection to the remote host and using the
remote address and remote port information specified on the Tunnel – Connect Mode
page (see Tunnel – Connect Mode Page on page 63).
When making a connection from the EDS using an ATDT or ATDP command, full or
partial IP addresses can be used. If a partial IP address is used, the EDS uses the
remote address and port as configured in the Connect Mode settings.
For the following examples, we assume that the remote address is and
the port is set to 10001 in the Connect mode settings:
Entering ATDT alone causes the EDS to connect to the IP address and remote
port configured in Connect Mode.
Entering ATDT 119.25.50 causes the EDS to assume the first octet in the IP
address and connects to the remote IP address, port 10001.