EDS Device Servers User Guide 93
9: Security Settings
SSH Pages
Clicking the SSH link in the menu bar displays the SSH Server: Host Keys page. This
page has four links at the top for viewing and changing SSH server host keys, SSH
server authorized keys, SSH client known hosts, and SSH client users.
Note: For more information, see SSH on page 158.
SSH Server: Host Keys Page
The SSH Server: Host Keys page displays when you click SSH in the menu bar. It also
displays when you click SSH Server: Host Keys at the top of one of the other SSH
pages. Here you can generate new keys or upload files containing the keys.
SSH server private and public host keys are used by all applications that play the role of
an SSH server, specifically the CLI and Accept mode tunneling. These keys can be
created elsewhere and uploaded to the device, or generated on the device.
Under Current Configuration, Public RSA Key and Public DSA Key have View and
Delete links if these keys have been created. If you click View, the key displays. If you
click Delete, a message asks whether you are sure you want to delete this information.
Click OK to proceed or Cancel to cancel the operation. For security reasons, you cannot
view the private keys.