Instant Broadband Series
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the maximum number of IP addresses that the Cable/DSL Router will
support? The Router will support to 253 IP addresses.
Where is the Cable/DSL Router installed on the network? In a typical environ-
ment, the Router is installed between the Cable/DSL Modem and the LAN.
Plug the Cable/DSL Router into the Cable/DSL Modem's Ethernet port.
Does the Cable/DSL Router support IPX or AppleTalk? No. TCP/IP is the only
protocol standard for the Internet and has become the global standard for
communications. IPX, a NetWare communications protocol used only to
route messages from one node to another, and AppleTalk, a communications
protocol used on Apple and Macintosh networks, can be used from LAN to
LAN connections, but those protocols cannot connect from WAN to LAN.
Does the WAN connection of the Cable/DSL Router support 100Mb Ethernet?
Because of the speed limitations of broadband Internet connections, the
Cable/DSL Router’s current hardware design supports 10Mb Ethernet on its
WAN port. It does, of course, support 100Mbps over in the auto-sensing
Fast Ethernet 10/100 switch on the LAN side of the router. (The 4-Port
Router only.)
What is Network Address Translation and what is it used for? Network
Address Translation (NAT) translates multiple IP addresses on the private
LAN to one public address that is sent out to the Internet. This adds a level
of security since the address of a PC connected to the private LAN is never
transmitted on the Internet. Furthermore, NAT allows the Cable/DSL Router
to be used with low cost Internet accounts, such as DSL or cable modems,
where only one TCP/IP address is provided by the ISP. The user may have
many private addresses behind this single address provided by the ISP.
Does the Cable/DSL Router support any operating system other than Windows
95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows NT? Yes, but Linksys does not, at
this time, provide technical support for setup, configuration or troubleshoot-
ing of any non-Windows operating systems.
Does the Cable/DSL router support ICQ send file? Yes, with the following fix:
ICQ menu-> preference -> connections tab-> check "I am behind a firewall
or proxy", and set the firewall time-out to 80 seconds in firewall setting.
The Internet user can then send a file to a user behind the router.
BEFSR41 User Guide Apr 2000.qxd 4/27/00 3:21 PM Page 32