Term used Definition / Meaning
@ At.
/ And/or.
+/- Plus or Minus.
≤ Equal to or less than.
# Number.
°C Degree Celsius.
°F Degree Fahrenheit.
Ø Phase angle.
Ω Ohm; unit of resistance.
® Trade Mark.
2nd Second.
ABC Normal sequence of phases in three phase power.
AC or ac Alternating current, also implies root-mean-square (rms).
Ambient Temp. Temperature of surrounding air.
Ambient noise Acoustical noise of surrounding environment.
ANSI American National Standard Institute.
AWG American Wire Gauge. A standard unit for measuring wire cross-sectional area.
Breaker Electrical circuit interrupter.
BTU or Btu British thermal unit. Defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature
of one pound of water by 1°F.
BYPASS mode Load is powered by the bypass input line through the static switch.
Carrier The company or individual responsible for delivering goods from one location to another.
CB Circuit breaker.
CB1 Battery disconnect circuit breaker.
Conduit A flexible or rigid tube enclosing electrical conductors.
Current rating The maximum current that a conductor or equipment can carry reliably without damage.
Glossary G — 186-173010-00 A00