Microsoft DSE4XM2 Computer Accessories User Manual

March 10, 2009 Dolphin Interconnect Solutions 44
Provides detailed information about the specified or all installed ioDrive(s). The fio-
status command requires that the Windows driver be loaded. If it finds no device, it
displays an index number instead.
fio-status </dev/fctx> [-c, -a, -h, -v]
where /dev/fctx refers to the name of this device and the x is its PCIe bus number. If
you don’t specify a name, fio-status displays information on all installed ioDrives.
-q Quit on erase error.
-s <device-size> Sets the storage size by a number and one of the
following units as a suffix:
% Percentage of drive for user data
t/T Number of terabytes to format
g/G Number of gigabytes to format
m/M Number of megabytes to format
For example, setting the size as either 90% or 72GB
on an 80GB ioDrive both result in the same
capacity for user data—72GB.
-f Force size: Bypass sizing sanity checks to enable 64-
bit address space. This option also bypasses
interactive prompts in the formatting process.
-u Quiet: Disables the display of the progress bar or