Terms to Know –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The following terms are used in this manual.
Settings that define how the printer and
host communicate with each other. The
parameters (baud rate, flow control, data
bits, and stop bits) must match on both
Continuous Mode Default print mode in which the printer
feeds one or more supplies without
operator intervention.
Format The design of a printed label.
Host Any mainframe, minicomputer, data
collection terminal, or personal computer
attached to the printer.
Indexed supply Supplies that enable the printer to sense
where a label begins or ends. One type of
indexed supplies have black marks on the
back to accomplish this task.
Supplies that do not enable the printer to
sense where a label begins or ends.
Non-peel Mode Feed mode in which the printer does not
peel labels from the backing paper while
On-demand Mode Print mode in which the printer prints one
label each time you press [Feed].
Online Direct communication between host and
Peel Mode Feed mode in which the printer peels
labels from the backing paper while
9450 Operator’s Handbook