Index 1
accessing the toolbox, 3-1
add command, 5-8
applications, loading, 3-2
appversion command, 5-9
argread command, 5-10
arrays, 4-3
asc command, 5-11
autostart command, 5-12
availabledata command, 5-13
bitclear command, 5-14
bitmask command, 5-15
bitset command, 5-16
bitshift command, 5-17
bittest command, 5-18
bsearch command, 5-19
buffers, 4-2
building projects, 2-5
call command, 5-20
changing download settings, 2-5
characters, special, 5-4
chartype command, 5-22
check command, 5-23
chr command, 5-25
clear command, 5-26
closecomm command, 5-27
coding of data, 4-4
command reference, 5-1
data manipulation, 5-6
file management, 5-7
input/output, 5-7
math, 5-5
script control, 5-5
comments in a script, 4-4
compare command, 5-28
compiler directives, 5-5
concat command, 5-29
connecting the printer, 2-1
conventions for programming, 5-1
cstrip command, 5-30
data coding, 4-4
data manipulation commands, 5-6
data storage, 4-4
datatype command, 5-31
dec command, 5-32
define command, 5-33
delay command, 5-35
directives, for compiler, 5-5
disable command, 5-36
displaying the ready prompt, 3-1
divide command, 5-37
download settings, changing, 2-5
downloading projects, 2-7
editing existing projects, 2-7
enable command, 5-38
exit command, 5-39