Monarch 9460 Printer User Manual

Overview 1-1
The Application Development Kit II (ADK2) is a product for Microsoft Windows
95/98/Me/NT/2000. It allows you to create an application program to run on the printer. You write
the script with the ADK2 command language.
You can program the printer to:
print labels or tags
print data streams written for other printers
You can define lookup tables for the script running on the printer. It also allows you to define
records such as temporary storage buffers.
This manual is written for the Monarch Sierra Sport 2 9460 printer. Refer to the printer’s
Operator’s Handbook
Quick Reference
for printer-specific information. Refer to the
Reference Manual
for data stream information.
How to Use this Manual
This manual contains the following information.
Chapter 1
Introduces ADK2.
Chapter 2
Using the Software
Tells you how to use the software for entering, editing, compiling, and
printing your script.
Chapter 3
Printer Procedures
Explains tasks done on the printer separate from the application.
Chapter 4
Program Structure
Tells you how to write the script’s source code.
Chapter 5
Command Reference
Describes the commands you use to write your script.
Appendix A
Sample Script
Lists a sample script.
A Review of Terms
Throughout this manual, you will see references to the different terms that you must be aware of
before programming an ADK-version 9460 printer.
is a collection of related data, stored together in one unit. There are three types of files:
scripts, formats, and lookup tables.
is a type of file. It is the source code for a program that runs on the printer.
is a collection of related files. The files can be a scripts, formats, or lookup tables. A
project must have at least one script, but formats and lookup tables are optional.
is a project that has been built into a form executable by the printer.