National Instruments 7344 Switch User Manual

7344/7334 Hardware User Manual G-8
PWM Pulse Width Modulationa method of controlling the average current in a
motor phase winding by varying the on-time (duty cycle) of transistor
PXI PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation
quadrature counts the encoder line resolution times four
RAM random-access memory
relative breakpoint sets the position breakpoint for an encoder in relative quadrature counts
relative position destination or target position for motion specified with respect to the
current location regardless of its value.
relative position mode position relative to current position
ribbon cable a flat cable in which the conductors are side by side
RPM revolutions per minuteunits for velocity.
RPSPS or RPS/S revolutions per second squaredunits for acceleration and deceleration.
RTR Ready to Receive
s seconds
servo specifies an axis that controls a servo motor
stepper specifies an axis that controls a stepper motor
stepper <1..4> Dir
direction output or counter-clockwise direction control
stepper <1..4> Step
stepper pulse output or clockwise direction control