National Instruments 800 Series Switch User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation Glossary-3 VXIpc 800 Series User Manual
DRAM Dynamic RAM (Random Access Memory); storage that the computer
must refresh at frequent intervals
ECL Emitter-Coupled Logic
EDO Extended Data Out; a DRAM architecture that shortens overall access
latency, improving performance
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
embedded controller An intelligent CPU (controller) interface plugged directly into the VXI
backplane, giving it direct access to the VXIbus. It must have all of its
required VXI interface capabilities built in.
EMC Electromagnetic Compliance
fair requester A VXIbus device that will not arbitrate for the VXIbus after releasing
it until it detects the bus request signal inactive. This ensures that all
requesting devices will be granted use of the bus.
FPERR Floating Point Error
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488)
hex hexadecimal; the numbering system with base 16, using the digits 0 to 9
and letters A to F
Hz hertz; cycles per second