National Instruments 800 Series Switch User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation Glossary-5 VXIpc 800 Series User Manual
LED Light-emitting diode
m meters
master A functional part of a VME/VXIbus device that initiates data transfers
on the backplane. A transfer can be either a read or a write.
MB megabytes of memory
MITE A National Instruments custom ASIC, a sophisticated dual-channel
DMA controller that incorporates the Synchronous MXI and VME64
protocols to achieve high-performance block transfer rates
MODID Module ID Lines. Used in VXI to geographically locate boards and to
dynamically configure boards
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
NI-VISA The National Instruments implementation of the VISA standard; an
interface-independent software that provides a unified programming
interface for VXI, GPIB, and serial instruments
NI-VXI The National Instruments bus interface software for VME/VXIbus
NMI NonMaskable Interrupt
Non-Slot 0 device A device configured for installation in any slot in a VXIbus mainframe
other than Slot 0. Installing such a device into Slot 0 can damage the
device, the VXIbus backplane, or both.