NETGEAR WN802T Network Router User Manual

NETGEAR Wireless-N Access Point WN802T v2 Reference Manual
Management 4-11
v1.0, September 2008
Configuring the Advanced Wireless Settings
NETGEAR recommends that the Advanced Wireless Settings should be modified only by an
administrator very familiar with the ramifications of changing the wireless LAN parameters. If set
incorrectly, they can adversely affect the performance or connectivity of your wireless access
point. The default settings should be adequate in most situations. Following is a description of
each of the advanced wireless LAN parameters.
RTS threshold. The Request to Send threshold packet size determines if the wireless access
point should use the CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection)
mechanism or the CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)
mechanism for packet transmission:
With the CSMA/CD transmission mechanism, the transmitting station sends out the actual
packet as soon as it has waited for the silence period.
With the CSMA/CA transmission mechanism, the transmitting station sends out an RTS
packet to the receiving station, and waits for the receiving station to send back a CTS
(Clear to Send) packet before sending the actual packet data.
The default value is 2346 bytes.
Fragmentation Length. This is the maximum packet size used for fragmentation. Packets
larger than the size programmed in this field will be fragmented. The Fragment Threshold
value must be larger than the RTS Threshold value.
The default value is 2347 bytes.
Beacon Interval. The Beacon Interval specifies the interval of time between 20ms and 1000
ms for each beacon transmission.
Broadcast Packets The number of broadcast packets sent and received since the WN802T v2
was restarted.
Multicast Packets The number of multicast packets sent and received since the WN802T v2
was restarted.
Total Packets The total number of wireless packets sent and received since the WN802T
v2 was restarted.
Total Bytes The total number of wireless bytes sent and received since the WN802T v2
was restarted.
Table 4-2. Statistics Fields (continued)
Field Description