Network Technologies SM-nXm-15V-LCD Switch User Manual

Command Definitions (Cont'd)
Good Response Description
RS SW *<CR> Internal Reset
RV SW,00 *<CR>string\0<CR> Read NTI Version String
RU SW *<CR>IP,OP<CR> Read Unit Size
EA SW,ip *<CR> Set the IP address, ip is in format,
number of digits is minimum 1 and maximum 3 for each field
Leading zeroes are accepted
EM SW,ip *<CR> Set the Subnet mask, ip is in format,
number of digits is minimum 1 and maximum 3 for each field.
Leading zeroes are accepted
EG SW,ip *<CR> Set the default gateway, ip is in format,
number of digits is minimum 1 and maximum 3 for each field
Leading zeroes are accepted
ET SW,timeout *<CR> Set the website timeout; timeout = numeric string of timeout in seconds.
Values: 60, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 28800
0 = no timeout
RA SW * <CR>ip<CR> Read the IP address, ip is in format,
number of digits is minimum 1 and maximum 3 for each field
Leading zeroes are accepted
RM SW * <CR>ip<CR> Read the Subnet mask, ip is in format,
number of digits is minimum 1 and maximum 3 for each field
Leading zeroes are accepted
RG SW * <CR>ip<CR> Read the default gateway, ip is in format,
number of digits is minimum 1 and maximum 3 for each field
Leading zeroes are accepted
RT SW * <CR>timeout<CR> Read the website timeout; timeout = numeric value in seconds.
Values: 60, 300, 600, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 28800
0 = no timeout
SS SW,00 *<CR> Disable Autostatus feature (see below)
SS SW,01 *<CR> Enable Autostatus feature (see below)
GO SW,OP *<CR>go SW,OP,IP<CR> Read connection of a Output Port to Input Port
GM SW,00 *<CR>go SW,OP,IP (all
Read connection matrix of all Output ports
Set Scan Mode dwell time for specific Output port
DWT values: 000-255 000= scan disabled See page 8 for more info.
Gs SW,OP *<CR>
Read scan mode dwell time setting for an Output port
DWT values: 000-255 000= scan is disabled for the port
Sa SW,OP *<CR> Set scan list of individual output to all inputs
Sc SW,OP *<CR> Clear scan list of individual output
S+ SW,OP,IP *<CR> Add individual input to Scan List of output
S- SW,OP,IP *<CR> Remove individual input from Scan List of output
Sx SW,OP *<CR>oooxoxxxooooxxx<
Inspect the Scan List of individual output (o=skip x=don't skip)
If the first field is not a known command (as listed above) or SW field is different from the serial address programmed in the switch
memory, the command will be ignored. If the SW field corresponds to the unit address, but the syntax is wrong after this field, the
switch will answer with a bad response ?<CR>.
When Autostatus is enabled, any output-to-input connection change in the VEEMUX will cause an Autostatus message to be sent
via RS232 to the administrator. The format of the message would be "pc SW,OP:IP<CR>"
Example of an Autostatus message:
pc 01,01:04<CR>
which means "At the switch with unit address 01, the output (01) has changed connection to input 04."
Notes: Message to the administrator will be delayed by any RS232 traffic being received by the switch from the
Autostatus must be disabled before using SerTest or the Matrix Switcher's Control Program (below).
By default, Autostatus is disabled and must be manually enabled. Autostatus is also disabled any time the power to the
VEEMUX is interrupted.