DDR3THIN-MN-XXX 64 Doc. Rev. 1.11
To change the display it is necessary to bring up the window’s Properties window (perform a
right mouse-click in the State display window) and select the Disassembly tab. This will bring up
the configuration window shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17 - Disassembly Properties
There are several select fields available in this window, some of which must be set correctly for
the post-processing software to work properly. These fields and their selections are:
Burst Length - permits setting the burst length for Read and Write data. Valid choices
are 4 (the default) 8, and 4/8 On-the-Fly. This value must be set properly for all valid
Read and Write data to be displayed.
CAS Latency (CL) - sets the delay, in clock cycles, from the Read command until the
first piece of valid Read data is available. This value must be set properly for all valid
Read Data to be displayed. Valid choices are 5 (default), 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 cycles.
CAS Additive Latency - additional latency for data cycles. This value must also be set
properly for valid Read Data to be displayed. Valid choices are 0 (default), CL-1, or CL-
2 cycles.
CAS Write Latency – number of clock cycles from Write command to the first Write
Data. This value must be set properly for all valid Write Data to be displayed. Valid
choices are 5 (default), 6, 7, or 8 cycles.
Registered? – must be set to reflect whether or not Registered DDR memory is used.
Default is No. When set to Yes an additional clock cycle delay is added to CAS Latency
and to valid Read and Write Data tagging.