Managing MW1122
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy
The Main Page shows you the statuses of the DSL line, Ethernet
interface, and wireless LAN interface. It also shows the number of
wireless LAN clients, wireless LAN network name and the channel in
use. Software and hardware versions and the serial number of
MW1122 are shown in the bottom of the page.
5.3.3 Wireless LAN page
You can change wireless LAN network settings on the Wireless LAN
Figure 5-3 Wireless LAN page
When you click the Apply button, the WLAN subsystem will be
reseted automatically. If you have changed the network name and you
are accessing MW1122 through the wireless connection, the
connection will be disconnected. You must reconfigure the network
name of the wireless LAN client to continue configuration. The
Reload button restores the settings if you have not saved the
configuration yet.
Network name identifies your network and must be the same in all
wireless LAN clients on your network.