Nokia WAP and SMS gateway Network Card User Manual

Appendix D. Setting up a dial-up line
This appendix explains how to set up a dial-up line in Linux for use with the Kannel WAP gateway. In
order for it to work you need a Linux kernel with PPP capabilities. Most distributions provides PPP
kernel support by default. For more information how to compile PPP support into the kernel please read
the "Linux Kernel HOWTO" at
Analog modem
This section explains how to set up a dial-up line with an analog modem.
Download and install the mgetty package.
rpm -ivh mgetty-VERSION-rpm
To run mgetty as a daemon, add the following line to /etc/inittab.
Read man inittab for more detailed information. In this example we assume your modem is connected to
the serial port ttyS0 (COM 1).
S0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS0 -x 6 -D /dev/ttyS0
We need to start the pppd automatically when mgetty receives an AutoPPP request. Add the next line to
/AutoPPP/ - - /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/ppp/options.server
In /etc/mgetty+sendfax/mgetty.config you might need to change the connect speed between the computer
and the modem. Note: this is not the connect speed between the WAP client and the server modem. If
you are e.g. going to use a Nokia 7110 as the server side modem you need to change the speed to 19200.
Usually you can just leave the speed to the default value (38400).
speed 38400
Add the following lines to /etc/ppp/options.server