Nokia WAP and SMS gateway Network Card User Manual

Chapter 7. Setting up Push Proxy Gateway
variables are elaborated in table 7.2.
As an example, let us see how to configure a ppg user (a pi, named here ’picom’) allowed to send pushes
only from a specified ip.
group = wap-push-user
wap-push-user = picom
ppg-username = foo
ppg-password = bar
allow-ip =
It goes without saying that in real systems you must use more complex passwords than bar.
Table 7-2. PPG user group configuration variables
Variable Value Description
group wap-push-user
Mandatory value. Tells that we
are configuring the users group.
wap-push-user string
(More) human readable name of
an user.
ppg-username string Username for this user.
ppg-password string Password for this user.
allowed-prefix number-list
Phone number prefixes allowed
in pushes coming from this pi.
These prefixes must conform
international phone number
denied-prefix number-list
Phone number prefixes denied in
pushes coming from this pi.
These prefixes must conform
international phone number
white-list url
Defines an url wherefrom the
whitelist can be fetched. White
list itself contains list of phone
numbers accepting pushes from
this pi.
black-list url
Defines an url wherefrom the
blacklist can be fetched.
Blacklist itself contains list of
phone number not accepting
pushes from this pi.
allow-ip ip-list
Defines ips wherefrom this pi
can do pushes. Adding this list
means that ips not mentioned are