Chapter 5. Setting up a SMS Gateway
MySQL connection configuration
For several reasons external storage may be required to handle dynamical issues, i.e. DLRs, sms-service,
sendsms-user, ota-setting, ota-bookmark definitions and so on. To define a MySQL database connection
you simple need to specify a mysql-connection group as follows:
Table 5-12. MySQL Connection Group Variables
Variable Value Description
group mysql-connection This is a mandatory variable
id (m) string
An optional name or id to
identify this MySQL connection
for internal reference with other
MySQL related configuration
groups. Any string is acceptable,
but semicolon ’;’ may cause
problems, so avoid it and any
other special non-alphabet
host (m) hostname or IP
Hostname or IP of a server
running a MySQL database to
connect to.
mysql-username (m) username
User name for connecting to
MySQL database.
mysql-password (m) password
Password for connecting to
MySQL database.
database (m) string
Name of database in MySQL
database server to connect to.
A sample ’mysql-connection’ group:
group = mysql-connection
id = dlr-db
host = localhost
mysql-username = foo
mysql-password = bar
database = dlr
In case you use different MySQL connections for several storage issues, i.e. one for DLR and another
different one for sms-service you may use the include configuration statement to extract the MySQL
related configuration groups to a seperate mysql.conf file.
Over-The-Air configurations
To enable Over-The-Air configuration of phones or other client devices that support the protocol you
need to configure a sendsms-user.ota-setting group is not necessary, you can send settings to the