Chapter 5. Setting up a SMS Gateway
Variable Value Description
smsc-ids word-list
If set, specifies from which
smsc-ids all inbound messages
should be routed to this smsbox
instance. List contains smsc-ids
seperated by semilon (";"). This
rule may be used to pull any
smsc specific message stream to
an smsbox instance.
shortcuts number-list
If set, specifies which receiver
numbers for inbound messages
should be routed to this smsbox
instance. List contains numbers
seperated by semilon (";"). This
rule may be used to pull receiver
number specific message streams
to an smsbox instance.
SMS-service configurations
Now that you have an SMS center connection to send and receive SMS messages you need to define
services for incoming messages. This is done via ’sms-service’ configuration groups.
These groups define SMS services in the smsbox, so they are only used by the smsbox. Each service is
recognized from the first word in an SMS message and by the number of arguments accepted by the
service configuration (unless catch-all configuration variable is used). By adding a username and
password in the URL in the following manner "http://luser:password@host.domain:port/path?query" we
can perform HTTP Basic authentication.
The simplest service group looks like this:
group = sms-service
keyword = www
get-url = "http://%S"
This service grabs any SMS with two words and ’www’ as the first word, and then does an HTTP request
to an URL which is taken from the rest of the message. Any result is sent back to the phone (or
requester), but is truncated to the 160 characters that will fit into an SMS message, naturally.
Service group default has a special meaning: if the incoming message is not routed to any other
service, default ’sms-service’ group is used. You should always define default service.
Service group black-list has a special meaning: if the incoming message is in service’s black-list, this
service is used to reply to user. If unset, message will be discarded.
Table 5-6. SMS-Service Group Variables
Variable Value Description
group (m) sms-service This is a mandatory variable