Chapter 3. Using the gateway
Variable Value Description
box-deny-ip IP-list
These lists can be used to
prevent box connections from
given IP addresses. Each list can
have several addresses, separated
with semicolons (’;’). An asterisk
(’*’) can be used as a wildcard in
place of any ONE number, so
*.*.*.* matches any IP.
udp-deny-ip IP-list
These lists can be used to
prevent UDP packets from given
IP addresses, thus preventing
unwanted use of the WAP
gateway. Used the same way as
box-deny-ip and
wdp-interface-name (c) IP or ’*’
If this is set, Kannel listens to
WAP UDP packets incoming to
ports 9200-9208, bound to given
IP. If no specific IP is needed, use
just an asterisk (’*’). If UDP
messages are listened to,
wapbox-port variable MUST be
log-file filename
A file in which to write a log.
This in addition to stdout and
any log file defined in command
line. Log-file in ’core’ group is
only used by the bearerbox.
log-level number 0..5
Minimum level of logfile events
logged. 0 is for ’debug’, 1 ’info’,
2 ’warning, 3 ’error’ and 4
’panic’ (see Command Line
access-log filename
A file in which information
about received/sent SMS
messages is stored. Access-log in
’core’ group is only used by the