Discounting the Total Sale by Using a
Random Discount Rate
Up to 4 digits can be used for the discount percentage
(0.01 - 99.99%).
Example: Register a 20% discount to a sales transaction.
Compute the change tender. The
key must have
been programmed to apply percent discounts.
1. Press .
2. Press
3. Press .
4. Press . The amount discounted is
5. Press .
6. Press . The change due to the
customer is displayed.
Discounting Individual Items using
Programmed and Random Discount Rates
Example: Register a £2.50 item to Department 1, apply the
programmed discount to a £3.50 item to Department 23
and apply a discount rate of 3% to a £5.00 item to Depart-
ment 2. Compute change tender. The
key must have
been programmed to apply percent discounts.
1. Type
2. Type .
3. Press to apply the programmed discount. The
amount discounted is displayed.
4. Press .
5. Press . The amount discounted is displayed.
6. Press .
7. Press
. The change due to
the customer is displayed.
Applying the Programmed Percent Plus
Rate to a Total Sale
Example: Register a programmed 10% add-on to an entire
sales transaction. Compute the change tender.
The key must have been programmed to apply
percent add-ons.
1. Press
2. Press .
3. Press .
4. Press . The amount added-on is displayed.
5. Press .
6. Press . The change due to the
customer is displayed.
Applying a Random Percent Plus Rate to a
Total Sale
Up to 4 digits can be used for the percent plus rate (0.01 -
Example: Register a 20% percent add-on to a sales
transaction. Compute the change tender. The key
must have been programmed to apply percent add-ons.
1. Press
2. Press .
3. Press
4. Press . The amount discounted is
5. Press
6. Press
. The change due to the
customer is displayed.