Omron C500-LK009-V1 Network Card User Manual

PC Link Units utilize data areas in the PCs for both communication and op-
eration monitoring. These data areas are enumerated in the table below.
C2000H, C1000H, C200H,
C200HS, or C200HX/HG/HE(-Z)
LR Area LR 0000 to LR 6315 (1,024 bits) LR 0000 to LR 3115 (512 bits)
Error flags 24708 to 24715
24808 to 24815
5808 to 5815
6208 to 6215
24908 to 24915
25008 to 25015
PC RUN flags 24700 to 24707 5800 to 5807
24800 to 24807 6200 to 6207
24900 to 24907
25000 to 25007
More detailed information about each of the areas is provided in Section 7
Error Processing.
PC Data Areas
Data Exchange Section 3-4