Chapter 6 Appendix — Technical information
D-Sub 9-pin (male)
Outside view
Pin No. Signal name Details
(6) (9)
(1) (5)
(1) ― NC
(2) RXD Received data
(3) TXD Transmitted data
(4) ― NC
(5) GND Earth
(6) ― NC
(7) RTS
Connected internally
(8) CTS
(9) ― NC
Communication conditions (Factory default)
Signal level RS-232C-compliant
Sync. method Asynchronous
Baud rate 9 600 bps
Parity None
Character length 8 bits
Stop bit 1 bit
X parameter None
S parameter None
Basic format
Transmission from the computer starts with STX, then the ID, command, parameter, and ETX are sent in this order. Add parameters according
to the details of control.
(2 bytes)
2 ID characters (2 bytes)
Semi-colon (1 byte)
Colon (1 byte)
3 command characters (3 bytes)
Parameter (undefined length)
Start (1 byte)
ZZ, 01 to 06
ID designate
End (1 byte)
Basic format (has subcommands)
Parameter (6 bytes)
Symbol “+” or “–” (1 byte) and setting or adjustment value (5
Operation (1 byte)
“=” (Set the value specified using parameter)
Sub command (5 bytes)
Same as the basic format
*1 When transmitting a command which does not need a parameter, an operation (E) and parameter are not necessary.