Pandigital V4.5 eBook Reader User Manual

Overview of Buying & Downloading Books to Device
Connect to Wi-Fi network through Settings >Network.
The first time, select I have a B&N
to enter your existing Barnes &
Noble account login information (email
& password). The login information is
saved for future logins. If you have not
yet registered with Barnes & Noble,
select “
Sign up for an account” to
register a new account now.
On HOME screen, tap Bookstore
Shop B&N on Application Quick
Launch Bar. Browser displays
Barnes & Noble website.
Tap on book cover in
Bookstore row on HOME
screen. Select
Get Free Sample
Shop and purchase eBooks,
eMagazines, eNewspapers, or get
free samples.
Media is added to your Barnes & Noble online download Library.
In your
, go to My Library
>Get Books
Provide required B&N account Login information and then tap
Wait for list of downloadable media (wait time depends on number of items in
your account).
Tap Download All, or select desired media to download and then tap
Download Selected.
Go to My Library, tap on a media cover to open in the Reader.
On HOME screen, tap Update to populate the Bookstore row.
Confirm your purchase, and then
enter your existing Barnes & Noble
account login information (email &
password) or create a new account.