Paradyne 3161 Network Card User Manual

C. Configuration Options
3160-A2-GB24-10 March 2001
Near-end: Disab
Next Disab Maint Send Both Prev
Near-End Performance Statistics. Specifies whether the DSU/CSU maintains near-end
performance statistics and sends performance report messages (PRMs) for a particular
Disables near-end performance statistics and does not send PRMs.
Maintains near-end performance statistics for this port.
Sends PRMs over the ports EDL every second. Each PRM contains the
performance statistics for the previous 4 seconds.
Maintains near-end performance statistics and sends PRMs over the ports EDL.
This configuration option is not available if EDL is disabled.
If the local DSU/CSU is configured to send near-end performance statistics, then
the remote device must be configured to maintain far-end performance statistics.
Far-end: Disab
Next Disab Maint Prev
Far-End Performance Statistics. Specifies whether to monitor for far-end performance
report messages (PRMs) and maintain far-end performance registers for a particular port.
Disables far-end performance statistics.
Monitors the ports EDL for PRMs and maintains far-end performance statistics.
This configuration option is not available if EDL is disabled.
If the local DSU/CSU is configured to maintain far-end performance statistics, then
the remote device must be configured to send near-end performance statistics.
Mgmt Link: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
EDL Management Link. Specifies whether the EDL management link is enabled for a
particular port. Selecting Enab allows SNMP or Telnet traffic to flow over the 4 kbps
in-band data link provided by EDL.
Enables the ports EDL management link.
Disables the ports EDL management link.
This configuration option is not available if EDL is disabled or the FDL is enabled.
If the local DSU/CSUs EDL is enabled, then the remote devices EDL must also be
Table C-2. Port Configuration Options (5 of 5)