vii3610-A2-GB41-60 March 1999
About this Guide
This applications guide is intended as a supplement to
the operator’s guide; it only contains installation and
operation information that is specific to the Time Division
Multiplexer (TDM), Multichannel Multipoint (MCMP),
and digital bridge options for the COMSPHEREr 3600
Series Data Service Units (DSUs), Models 3610 and 3611.
Since a DBM-V, DBM-S, or DBM-D is only used in
digital bridge configurations, information specific to these
circuit cards is included in this applications guide, along
with SNA Diagnostic Interface information as it applies to
TDM or MCMP configurations. However, a DBM-V,
DBM-S, or DBM-D operates like an internal Dial Backup
Module (DBM), so if your application uses a DBM-V,
DBM-S, or DBM-D, refer to the other applications guide.
Order the COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service
Units, Models 3610 and 3611, Operator’s Guide for the
technical specifications for the DSU and all of its options,
basic DSU installation and operation information,
verification of network operation, all configuration
options tables and worksheets, DCP messages for all
options, and troubleshooting flowcharts.
DATAPHONEr II and Diagnostic Microcomputer (DMC)
Network Management System (NMS) references are also
provided, along with a complete equipment list and
Order the COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service
Units, Models 3610 and 3611, Dial Backup Module and
SNA Diagnostic Interface Options, Applications Guide if
your application uses these options as part of its
configuration, or if your application uses DBM-Vs,
DBM-Ss, or DBM-Ds. It also provides a NetViewt
commands reference for your convenience.
How to Use this Guide
Chapter 1 gives a general overview of the features for
the 3600 Series DSU and its TDM and MCMP options.
Refer to this chapter for a summary of feature capability.
Chapter 2 explains how to install and set up a
Model 3610 (standalone) DSU-TDM/Flex or
DSU-MCMP/Flex, or if you have added a TDM/Flex or
MCMP/Flex to your DSU. If you ordered a TDM/DSD or
MCMP/DSD, refer to this chapter to change interface
Chapter 3 explains how to install and set up a
Model 3611 (carrier-mounted) DSU-TDM or
DSU-MCMP, or to add a TDM or MCMP to your DSU.
Chapter 4 familiarizes you with the basic principles
underlying TDM, MCMP, and digital bridge operation. It
also explains how SNA Diagnostic Interface operation is
affected when using these features.
Chapter 5 identifies and discusses how the DSU
functions differently or has different selections available
when the TDM or MCMP is installed, or when a DBM-V,
DBM-S, or DBM-D is installed.
Appendix A provides a summary of the DSU’s menu
structure. Refer to the menu tree as you proceed through
the menu via the DCP (or SDCP if you have a Model
3611 DSU).
Appendix B provides a summary of all of the
configuration options in the form of Configuration
Worksheets, along with a suggestion for how the
worksheets can be used.
Appendix C provides pin assignments for TDM or
MCMP interfaces and cables.
Appendix D shows typical system configurations
utilizing TDM, MCMP, and digital bridging. These
configurations also indicate the configuration options that
should be set to duplicate these scenarios for your own