COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units
5-28 March 1999 3610-A2-GB41-60
Figure 5-11. End-to-End Test
When the message Command Complete is displayed,
any key except the key returns you to the End-to-
End Test submenu, where the Displ and Clr selections
When the test is over, the top line displays Final
instead of Active. Table 5-7 shows the information
provided by an End-to-End Test.
Tests originating from an NMS operating with DPII
protocol add the receive block errors to the receive
time-outs and return the results to NMS as receive block
For an example, refer to the COMSPHERE 3600 Series
Data Service Units, Models 3610 and 3611, Dial Backup
Module and SNA Diagnostic Interface Options,
Applications Guide.
Table 5-7
End-to-End Test Results
Reported By
Information Displayed
Time: Local and
remote DBM
Running test timer. The Clr selection resets the timer to 0:00:00.
Tot Block: Local and
remote DBM
Number of blocks completed. The Clr selection resets the
counter to 0.
Rx Blk err: Local and
remote DBM
Number of incoming blocks with errors detected, indicating a
fault in the incoming transmission path. The Clr selection resets
the counter to 0.
Tx Blk err: Local and
remote DBM
Number of blocks with errors detected at the remote DSU,
indicating a fault in the outgoing transmission path. The Clr
selection resets the counter to 0.
Rx TimOuts: Local DBM only Number of blocks that were not received or acknowledged by the
remote DBM. The Clr selection resets the counter to 0.
refers to the test initiator.