COMSPHERE DualFlow Data Service Units
4-12 December 1996 3615-A2-GB20-20
Table 4-4
End-to-End Test Results
Results Reported By
Information Displayed
Time: Local and remote DBM Running test timer. (The Clr selection resets the timer to 0:00:00.)
Tot Block: Local and remote DBM Number of blocks completed. (The Clr selection resets the counter to 0.)
Rx Blk err: Local and remote DBM Number of incoming blocks with errors detected, indicating a fault in the
incoming transmission path. (The Clr selection resets the counter to 0.)
Tx Blk err: Local and remote DBM Number of blocks with errors detected at the remote DSU, indicating a
fault in the outgoing transmission path. (The Clr selection resets the
counter to 0.)
Rx TimOuts: Local DBM only Number of blocks that were not received or acknowledged by the
remote DSU or DBM. (The Clr selection resets the counter to 0.)
refers to the test initiator.
Bit Error Rate Test
The Bit Error Rate T
est (
) is a session-
disruptive test that transmits a 51
1-bit pattern. It analyzes
the network circuit. It can monitor the results by putting
the remote DSU or DBM into Digital Loopback and
checking the returned pattern for errors, or by
simultaneously executing a BER
T in the local DSU.
The test continues until aborted fr
om the DCP or NMS.
If nondisruptive diagnostics are in effect (if Diag Type
is set to NonD), diagnostic data can be disrupted.
o display the r
of the test, press F2 to select
Displ. The results are shown in Table 4-5. T
o clear the
results of the test and clear the counters to zero, press F3
to select
Table 4-5
Bit Error Rate Test Results
Results Information Displayed
Time: Running test timer. (The Clr
selection resets the timer to
Tot Error: Running count of bits in
error; Max, if the maximum error
count has been reached, which
is 64000. (The Clr selection
resets the counter to 0.)
Err Secs: Running count of errored
seconds. Errored second is at
least one error is detected during
a 1-second time period. (The Clr
selection resets the counter to