Glossary-73830-A2-GB91-30 August 1998
Hz A unit of frequency (hertz) that equals one cycle
per second.
ITU-T The Telecommunications Standardization Sector
of the International Telecommunications Union,
an advisory committee established by the United
Nations to recommend communications standards
and policies. Before March 1993 it was called
ITU-T V.17 A fax communications standard for modems
operating half-duplex with synchronous data at
14,400 bps.
ITU-T V.22 A standard for modems operation full-duplex with
asynchronous or synchronous data at
1200 bps over the dial network (PSTN).
ITU-T V.22 bis A standard for modems operating full-duplex with
asynchronous or synchronous data at
1200 or 2400 bps over the dial network (PSTN).
ITU-T V.25 bis A dialing protocol that permits direct and
stored-number dialing in asynchronous,
bisynchronous, or HDLC modes.
ITU-T V.27 ter A fax communications standard for modems
operating half-duplex with synchronous data at
2400 and 4800 bps.
ITU-T V.29 A fax communications standard for modems
operating half-duplex with synchronous data at
7200 and 9600 bps.
ITU-T V.32 A standard for modems operating full-duplex with
asynchronous or synchronous data at
4800 or 9600 bps on switched (dial) or leased
telephone lines.
ITU-T V.32 bis A standard for modems operating full-duplex with
asynchronous or synchronous data over dial
networks (PSTN) or leased lines at 14,400,
12,000, 9600, 7200, or 4800 bps.