COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems – Model 3830
Index-2 August 1998 3830-A2-GB91-30
&Q (Async/Sync Mode and DTE Dialer Type), 4Ć18
&R (RTS Action), 4Ć19
&S (DSR Control), 4Ć20
&T (Tests), 4Ć21
&V (View Configuration Options), 4Ć22
&W (Write to Memory), 4Ć22
&X (Transmit Clock Source), 4Ć22
&Z (Store Telephone Number), 4Ć23
%A (Error Control Fallback Character), 4Ć27
%B (Modulation and Data Rate), 4Ć28
%C (MNP5 Data Compression), 4Ć29
%R (Sets DTE Rate), 4Ć29
*** (Command Recovery), 4Ć7
\A (Maximum Frame Size), 4Ć23
\C (Error Control Negotiate Buffer), 4Ć24
\D (CTS Control), 4Ć24
\G (Modem to Modem Flow Control), 4Ć24
\K (Break Buffer Control, Send Break Control, Break Forces Escape), 4Ć25
\N (Error Control Mode), 4Ć26
\Q (Flow Control of DTE and Modem), 4Ć26
\T (No Data Disconnect Timer), 4Ć27
\X (XON/XOFF Passthrough Flow Control), 4Ć27
A (Answer Mode), 4Ć7
D (Dial), 4Ć8
DS (Dial Stored Number), 4Ć9
E (Command Echo), 4Ć9
H (Hook Switch Control), 4Ć9
I (Identification), 4Ć10
L (Speaker Volume), 4Ć10
M (Speaker On/Off), 4Ć10
O (Online Mode), 4Ć10
overview, 4Ć6
Q (Result Codes), 4Ć11
recovering use of, 2Ć9
Sn? (Display SĆRegister), 4Ć11
Sn=r (Change SĆRegister), 4Ć11
V (Result Codes Format), 4Ć11
X (Extended Result Code, Dial Tone Detect, Busy Tone Detect), 4Ć12
Y (Long Space Disconnect), 4Ć13
Z (Reset and Load Active), 4Ć13
AT Command Mode (S84), 4Ć47
AT&T exclusive dialing, 2Ć12