4. Monitoring the Hotwire DSL System
8000-A2-GB26-50 April 2001
DSL SN Information Screen
Use the SN Information screen to display read-only Service Node information.
1. Follow this menu selection sequence:
SN Information
2. The SN menu appears. The information displayed on this screen is shown in
Table 4-5, Service Node Options.
ARP Table B-D-F
Displays the current Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.
– Sequential number of line.
IP Address
– Internet Protocol Address.
MAC Address
– MAC address associated with the IP address. (An incomplete can be
shown in this column for some internal entries such as the backplane.)
– Number of minutes since this entry was last used.
– VNID between 2–4000 for DSL cards with an Ethernet Network Interface, or
2–255 for DSL cards with an ATM Network Interface (Default = none).
– Various flags associated with this entry.
PM = permanent
PB = publish this entry (respond for other hosts)
TR = trailers
PX = proxy ARP (card will proxy ARP for this IP address)
SB = subnet proxy ARP
Table 4-4. Bridge Options (4 of 4)