Paradyne 8779 Network Hardware User Manual

Configuration Options
8700-A2-GB20-00April 2000
Network Interface Options Menu
For Network Interface Options, refer to Table A-1. To access the Network
Interface Options screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu Configuration Current Configuration Network
Slot: 18 Model: 87xx
Port 2
Port Status Enable
Margin Threshold: 0db
Excessive Error Rate Threshold: 1E6
AutoRate: Disable
DSL Line Rate: 1552 kbps
EIA-530 Payload Rate 1536
Transmit Attenuation 0dB
Peer IP Address: Clear
DS0 Cross Connect Line Framing: ESF
Circuit Identifier: Clear
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit
Table A-1. Network Interface Options (1 of 3)
Port Status
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Enable
Determines whether the port can be configured and used.
Enable The port can be configured and used.
Disable The port cannot be configured or used.
Margin Threshold
Possible Settings: 5db, 4db, 3db, 2db, 1db, 0db, 1db, 2db, 3db, 4db, 5db, 6db,
7db, 8db, 9db, 10db
Default Setting: 0db
Determines the level, expressed in decibels, at which a signal-to-noise margin condition
is recognized.
5db to 10db Sets the margin threshold to this value.