Paxar 2 Printer User Manual

system setup packet A 2-9
text fields 3-3
definition of terms 1-1
using option 50 to customize 4-9
design tools
about the grid 1-7
check digit worksheet D-3
format worksheet D-1
online configuration worksheet D-2
worksheet overview 1-9
designing a format 1-4
drawing a sketch 1-6
field type considerations 1-8
filling in worksheets 1-9
font considerations 1-9
print area 1-5
using grids 1-7
worksheet overview 1-9
determining format content 1-5
device selection 2-21
list of data errors 8-5
list of data format errors 8-15
list of flash memory errors8-18
list of hard printer failure errors 8-19
list of machine fault errors 8-16
direction of
bar code field 3-14
constant text character 3-17
constant text field 3-17
of lines 3-20
text character 3-6
text field 3-6
disable backfeed 2-19
double-byte fonts B-11
downloadable fonts
buffer 2-24
batch method 6-9
batch quantity zero method 6-9
methods 6-9
overview 6-1
sequential method 6-9
enable backfeed 2-19
enabling immediate commands 2-16
reference table for byte 2 7-4
reference table of byte 3 7-6
requesting status 7-2
Response 7-2
erasing packets 2-27
data, description of 8-5
flash memory 8-18
format 8-15
hard printer failures 8-19
machine faults 8-16
printer 1-1
feed mode selection 6-3
bitmap, defining 5-13
definition of term 1-1
duplicate,defining 5-15
graphic, defining 5-18
next-bitmap, defining 5-14
options 4-11
field definition
definition of term 1-1
field elements
definition of term 1-1
field options
brief list of 4-2
calculating check digits 4-8
copy data 4-5
customized bar code density 4-9
data type restrictions 4-4
incrementing/decrementing fields 4-12
ordering 4-2
overview 4-2
padding data 4-7